Monday, August 08, 2005

The Chaos Within

My name is Hans Billimoria. My role at Deep Griha Society is currently threefold - Project Manager for DISHA - Deep Griha's Integrated Service for HIV/AIDS, Volunteer Coordinator and member of the recently set up Events and Fundraising Team.

Over the next few days, weeks and months... possibly years. watch this spot 'The Chaos Within' to read of what life is like at Deep Griha Society, for me, and those I work with, and those we serve.

Why chaos within? Because 'The Fall of the dancing star gives birth to the chaos within.' That's not me, that's Nietzsche. It has resonance however with the work I do, and why I do it. I work with dancing stars, people who live with HIV/AIDS, people that burn brightly in the perceived night that surrounds so many that have HIV/AIDS. I have met and worked with people that amaze me, humble me, and on occasion make me cry... They make me cry in frustration as much as they do in sadness or joy.

I hope that through the 'The Chaos Within' you will get an idea of what it is like to work at a grassroots NGO. It is hard... if you want it to be hard. There are no Mother Theresas here, just people working for other people. We've had our share of Mother Theresas, the bleeding hearts I mean, not those who care genuinely for the poor and afflicted... and even 'afflicted,' a strong word... we work with people in the slums, are they afflicted? Well, aren't we all afflicted in some way?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nietzsche said "One must still have chaos within oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star."

I don't remember seeing it the way that you wrote it...

4:34 pm  
Blogger Cliffy said...

Dear Hans,

Im Clifton David, did my M.A in philosophy from Madras Christian College, would like to know if you were my senior.

Awaiting your reply,


11:28 am  

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