Tuesday, July 03, 2007

The creche and balwadi's

I arrvied just over two weeks ago. I was here as a Link volunteer last year and really wanted to come back....so here I am.
I wasn't sure what I wanted to do this time, but I definately wanted to work with children. So I was assigned to work with the Toys for Tots project in the creches and balwadi. Alongside collegues, Jane, Natalie and Jade, we all distributed clothes and toys to all the creches ana balwadi's.

Now that all the clothes and toys, etc have been distributed, it is my job to go around the creche and check on discipline, use of toys etc... The sad thing is, that most of the time, the toys sit in their boxes gathering dust, which is very sad.
The changes that we have made by introducing medical and health kits, means that (hopefully), the attitudes will change and the creches and balwadi's will be a happy place.

But it is going to take a lot of time and patience, it ain't gonna happen overnight!


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