Monday, August 22, 2005


When Hans asked me if I’d like to join the Events and Fundraising Team (or E.F.T as we are wont to call ourselves-I think more because it makes us feel big than for convenience’s sake) posting on our blog wasn’t part of the job description. Try as I did to evade his constant badgering to contribute (and I don’t know why he does, since those of you who have read his Thursday posts ‘The Chaos Within’ would be very happy, I’m sure, to have just his posts up every day) I finally gave in. It isn’t that I don’t want to most cheerily do my part for the E.F.T and Deep Griha, it’s just that the prospect of trying to compress the past years as a volunteer here into a few paragraphs of a blog seems incredibly daunting. I can’t think where to end. And I can’t think where to start.

It’s been three years at Deep Griha for me. Three years of unresponsive computers and the equally unresponsive apparatus associated with them, of Aadhar Kendra annual reports, that made us nearly scream in frustration as we scrambled to meet deadlines, of power cuts that invariably brought work to a halt, of watery dal for lunch, and of often asking myself if anything I was doing made even the slightest difference.

It’s also been three years peppered with times like rejoicing when we finally got a broadband connection (for those of you who can’t see what the big deal is, imagine spending one and a half hours trying to send an important email and in the end have it not go), of singing ‘Dhoom Machale’ with Aadhar Kendra’s Kunal Pol at City of Child and then feeling like everything listed above has been worth it, three years of Sudesh’s smiling face every, every day, of having somewhere to go even if it was just as an escape from all that was messed up around me, of braiding hair with Mahananda from the School Drop-outs class, of maushis who barely know me yet treat me as one of their own, and three years of the yummiest peanut chutney I have ever tasted at the Tadiwala road centre.

Three years down the line and sometimes I wonder what I’m doing here. Three years down the line and sometimes I know. I joined as a volunteer because of what I thought I could give Deep Griha. But, at the risk of sounding too candid, I think I stayed because of what Deep Griha gives me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your site is awesone
Join my site

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