Sunday, December 11, 2005

Deep Griha Blog

I always planned on writing a blog entry when i returned from Deep Griha in August, but its not until now when i am beaten by illnesss that i actually have the time. This summer was my second visit to Deep Griha and turned out to be one of the most challenging and heart warming trips i have ever been on. My job while i was over there with Tim another volunteer was to set up an english programme for the staff, although i could have killed a few people in the process to actually see it work and still being continued now is a huge achievement! Recently i have just managed to secure another teacher to come out in February which means the project will run for another year which i am so pleased about! I have never seen so many people eager to learn and would hate to see the project fall through!

While i was there however i also spent alot of time with the DISHA staff, i have so much resepct for these people and wanted to do whatever i could to help them. I agreed along with my family to sponsor the DISHA staff who are HIV+. To be completely honest i didn't know if we were going to be able to reach our target each year and i was extremely worried about letting everyone down! These women mean the world to me and i couldn't let them down. Luckily though we have had the most amazing support, local newspapers have been great following the story of when i was away and have now agreed to do monthly reports to keep the interest in the charity. The community in which i live has also rallied round supporting everything we do! So hopefully each year we will be able to reach ou target!!

Deep Griha is like a second family to me, this summer was such a fantastic experiance, there were times which were tough but the good definately out weighed the bad. People always ask me why i continue to return to Deep Griha and i have always failed to answer the question. Once you become involved you can never let go, the people become part of you and rice and dal becomes your life! I find the transition from leaving Deep Griha to coming home harder than leaving home to go out there, not because im cold hearted but because Deep Griha is part of my life now and the people out there are like family! I can't wait to get back out to work for Deep Griha again and see everyone but first i have to contend with lifes little mishaps but i will be back soon to see the development of the english programme and how much DISHA has grown something im looking forward to greatly.

sharon stewart


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