Monday, December 19, 2005

A Response

The following post was a response from one of our readers to Hans' latest blogpost.

Hi Hans

I am really impressed by the passion you and your team posses, the empathy and passion will help you find answers.

I could not attend your invitation for the Celebration of Life as I was traveling and was not in India at that time. I am glad that it turned out to be such a beautiful event.

The day you feel it would end or decide to end is the day you have died. I read this about Boris Becker once, at 17 he had won Wimbledon and had achieved his ultimate goal in life. That night he went under heavy depression and wanted to end his life. He resurrected out of this depression and went on to become a legend.

What makes people live? I feel it's the sheer encouragement which the environment around him gives him. She or he lives to see another day, another moment where she or he is accepted among her or his people and beloved ones.

None of us are immortal and death is evident, whether through HIV, cancer or sheer old age, but does that mean we stop living on the last days? NO. The answer is "YES", yes I will live, Y – Yearning to live and move towards your chosen Goal and Desire, E- Endeavor to move towards that goal and S- Sweet taste of Success which leads you to the spirit of triumph. The Triumph of Life.

Prakash lost that spirit somewhere and Jyoti carries that flame. The failure with Prakash seeing the JYOTI at the other end has brought out further 'chaos within' and would be the driving force for you and your team to look at alternative methods and processes to ensure that the others see the value of life.

I totally agree with you that WEAR A CONDOM OR YOU WILL DIE campaign is not the solution to AIDS and will in no way eradicate this problem. Probably educating people is the solution to ensuring people see a life after HIV, the critical factor here the acceptance of the community, like you wrote in the case of Jyoti, her near and dear ones are rejecting her today because she openly proclaims that she has HIV, so where is the issue? Is it with Jyoti or the people around her? Are the people who matter to you to the most moving away from you, does that make you stop living?

Educating the people around an HIV affected person would be also one of the key factors which will enable people to see a life with HIV.

May GOD bless you and your team in all your endeavors and All The Best.



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