Monday, February 20, 2006

First Impressions -I

I haven't even been in India for a week, yet so much has happened it's difficult to know where to begin. The two things that hit you most are the amount,but also the friendliness of the people around you. Everywhere is so busy but the Indian laid-back way of life makes you feel very relaxed.

We were thrown in to it the first day when we visited Wadia college to hand out DISHA ribbons.The response was amazing and as we left (having run out of ribbons) it was great to see the sea of people who were now slightly more aware of such an important issue.

As you enter the Deep Griha projects so much is going on. As you enter Tadiwala Road hundreds of foot high children bounce around with tiny, smiling faces. Inside their creche the walls are brightly covered in paint and on the ground lies their blankets for naptime. There are always people coming and going at the nutrition centre and there are so many people involved doing their own bit. It's difficult to describe the rooms of Deep Griha as the activities inside always seem to be changing.

Joining in with the school drop-out classes I saw the delight books and songs gave the children. The DISHA team are amazing and you can see the impact their work is having around you.

The most interesting part of my week was sitting in the DISHA office with Madhuri listening to her reading an HIV awareness pamphlet. The fact that she picked it up and asked me to listen to her shows the amazing desire and dedication people haveto learn English. By reading through the pamphlet and helping her understand what the words meant it was great to be able to allow her to gain such important information which strangely is not so readily available in Marathi.

Everyday you seem to see something more crazy and special than the day before.



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