Monday, February 20, 2006

First Impressions-II

Welcome to my weekly blog. As instructed by Hans this weekly blog will happen every 2 weeks. But what a week this has been.I mean last week I wouldn't have thought twice about starting the previous sentence with 'But', as it's a conjunction used to introduce something something unexpected or negative about a situation. Like in 'we went to the shop BUT it was closed'. Ah well, such is life. I know that from Friday when I spent 8 hours ploughing through loads of books. 'Teach yourself English Grammar'is SO overwritten. It's unhelpfully hilarious, but most of the books are very straightforward.

AH... But it was this time last week we came out. I remember I couldn't sleep that night so I sat up in bed and watched 5 episodes of 'Scrubs' DVD back to back. 'Scrubs' if you don't know is one of my favourite TV sitcoms of all time. It's hilarious but I've yet to miss having them to watch whenever I feel a little down, as it always cheers me up, but I've never thought to myself that I'd really like to watch an episode. I suppose I know the DVDs will be waiting for me when I get back. The only program I kind of miss is 'Stargate' as Season 9 is premiering on 'Sky1' as we speak but again, it rarely interrupts my thoughts as it will be repeated on TV when I get back.

Anyway...seem to have rambled on and I don't know how helpful this is being. Why is it called a blog anyhow? Is it like a log and you put a 'B' on the end to make it sound special. Hmmm...

'But what of over here?' I hear you cry. 'When's he going to stop rambling?' Well I love the driving here. Customs obviously threw the Highway Code out of the country as it just doesn't exist. The horn means 'Get out of my way or die' and someone really should suggest pedestrian crossings as crossing the road is about as safe as swimming with crocodiles (as sharks despite their bad reputation, are amazingly safe animals to be around. While crocodiles are 100 times more dangerous, yet for some reason, we fear sharks more.Hmmm... food for thought there).

Talking of food I love it, Especially when 'no spicy' burns out the back of your throat. But it's all part of the experience. But even the spicy stuff is nice as long as you've got a bottle of water handy. I also love how our water maybe a little temperamental at times, as are most things but it's all about the relaxed way of Indian life, despite the roads. Actually, if you think about it, the roads are a perfect example. They're so relaxed they can't be bothered with the strict (sometimes really silly) rules of the Highway code. It was fantastic to see it on the first night. It was like nothing I'd ever experienced, and second only to Holly and the Magic Bus. But back to food (as I managed to veer away from. I haven't had quite as strange as Roast Guinea Pig (Ecuador's speciality) but it's a hard act to follow. When I had fish at a restaurant it was swimming with bones andI spent the whole meal picking bones out of my mouth! Ech!

I love the rickshaws! It's so great. Especially going to to MG Road from the elephants (yes! I rode an elephant! I touched its trunk! It was soooo amazing!) This rickshaw driver yelled out and zipped through traffic at such a great speed I had to cling on to stop myself falling out. It was a fantastic experience that. WOOHOO!

I loved Ramtekdi and Bibewadi as the children were so great and I hope to try and get the chance to work with them as I have 2 days without lessons atDeep Griha.

When I learned I would be teaching grammar I was...nervous doesn't cover it. I was in sheer, blind panic. Not sure why now, as I'm looking forward to the lesson. The plan is written, the stage is set and all that there is to say on this is getready (done), lights (power cut?) camera (there is no camera) ACTION! (what action?) I'm teaching a class for an hour on conjunctions. Hardly the event of the century. Ah well, I hope this has been helpful but I've just written as I thought. Wonder what installment 2 will bring...?

-David Lyon


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