Monday, March 20, 2006

The dance that needs to start

I kept meaning to write another blog entry to tell of everything that has been happening back where I stay about the fundraising and support for Deep Griha. The words though have been never been there to describe how things have been. People get your hopes up and let you down, I have been angry with half of my community for being so small minded a glimmer of hope can appear when you here a story where the smile appears back on your face but then it disappears as fast and that lump appears in the back of your throat!

The last ten months have been full of trials and tribulations but I got told a story yesterday which broke my heart, my aunty is a social worker, and one of her weekly visits is to a client who is HIV+. Even in this country the stigma still lies, this man had been abandoned by his family and no longer sees his adoptive children. My aunty was talking to him and the man began to cry, he had given up the will to live he wanted it all to be over. She went over to him and put her arm around him, his reply was ‘You shouldn’t come near me, everybody who does always leaves and never comes back afterwards. They are scared they will catch it’

Do I need to say anymore, DISHA fights to break the stigma, to show life can go on, just look at Lata and Maya, those women have more courage and determination than anyone I know, they truly are dancing stars. Even today in a country I thought I was proud to live in we need to break all those barriers. My grandparents were the same, you had lunch with people who are HIV+,??? The look on their face was a picture, now my grandparents are my biggest fundraisers! The world we live in is mad, the dance must go on in India, the dance needs to start back home!


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