Monday, April 09, 2007

City of Child Cricket Pitch- the grand opening

It was an early rise last Saturday for those of us lucky enough to see the opening of the new cricket pitch at Deep Griha's City of Child. We piled into the minibus and drove out into the beautiful countryside that surrounds the City of Child compound. We arrived in time for a quick tour around the pitch and presentation area from fellow Link volunteers. The pitch was a labour of love not only for the volunteers, but also for the locals and the sponsors of the project, Synygy.
Synygy is a local Indian business that supplied 50% of the funds for the building of the pitch. This helped provide for the raw materials- not forgetting the all-important wickets!
Before the first official match, a short presentation was held to honour all those who had contributed to the project. Everyone was happy to receive the garlands and wee roses as a thank you. After much impatience on the side of the City of Child boys, the match began. One team consisted of Synygy employees, and the other of CoC children and Link volunteers. A big cheer went up as the bowler lobbed the first ball at the batsman. It was a short but sweet match, with the usual mix of excitement and tension. Although the match was won by the CoC team, no-one was quite sure what the score actually was! But that didn't matter- what matters is that everyone had fun and a lasting improvement has been added to the City of Child compound. I'm sure there will be many, many more matches to come!


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