Monday, April 03, 2006

Scotland Day

As a leaving present for our two English volunteers Chloe and Faz we decided to organise a Scotland Day to teach them some Ceilidh dancing. Once the light finally came on we managed to get all the children up and dancing to our Scottish music. Not quite the proper dancing but lots of twirling with tons of energy. After a game of pin the tail on Nessie we handed out truffles and crispy cakes (the tablet we had planned hadn't set)which went down a storm.
The story of Nessie the Loch Ness Monster was recreated by David, and although the kids mabye didn't understand every word the sound effects were very popular.

Nicola performed some highland dancing for us while we all dummed along to Scotland the brave. We finished the morning by singing flower of Scotland and handing out paper thistles which we the Disha clients had made. After a Scottish lunch of Rice with veg and dahl throught it rather than beside, we ran the whole thing again in the afternoon.


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